ACF – Advanced custom fields

ACF – Advanced custom fields #

CLDASH will by default display all of your registered advanced custom fields* that are set up on the website. Here you can disable custom fields you don’t want to be displayed and editable while managing posts within Client Dashboard.

*IMPORTANT : If you you have ACF installed and you get he message : “No custom fields have been added through Advanced Custom Fields plugin.” – You will need to deactivate the Advanced custom fileds plugin and activate it again!




Display ACF fields content on your website #

If you wish to display advanced custom fields data within your pages and layouts created with Divi, we have included a free code snippet that you can use if you like. It is not mandatory and you can use Divi built in Dynamic content feature, your own code or a plugin like Divi advanced custom fields module.

If you wish to use our in-built CLDASH shortcodes for displaying ACF data – simply copy and paste the shortcode within your content where you wish to insert ACF data.


For Text : [CLDASHoutputacf slug=”field_slug” title=”text” titleclass=”class” textclass=”class”]

This shortcode will not output anything if the field contents is left empty (user has left this field empty on post edit screen).   title you can leave empty ( eg. [CLDASHoutputacf fieldslug=”your_acf_field_slug” title=””] ) if you don’t want to output any title for this field.

titleclass=”your-custom-class” – if you wish to style the title with your own css just input your own css class
textclass=”your-custom-class” – if you wish to style the text with your own css just input your own css class

This shortcode will work for:

  • text
  • text area
  • number
  • email
  • url
  • password
  • wysvig editor


For Image:  [CLDASHoutputacfimage slug=”field_slug” title=”text” titleclass=”class” imageclass=”class”]

To use this shortcode please make sure you have selected Return Value > Image URL within your field settings on the ACF field group edit screen.

Just replace the field_slug with your own slug that you have created with Advanced custom fields plugin. To see your field slug navigate to your ACF WordPress admin menu  ( eg. Custom Fields > Field Groups > Your group name )

titleclass=”your-custom-class” – if you wish to style the title with your own css just input your own css class
imageclass=”your-custom-class” – if you wish to style the image with your own css just input your own css class





Aditional info #

Before installing  CLDASH make sure you have first downloaded and installed Advanced custom fields plugin! Please visit CLDASH requirements for more info.

*CLDASH does not yet support native WordPress meta fields ( custom fields) and will only display custom fields created via Advanced custom fields plugin