Client Dashboard screen

Client Dashboard screen #

After login client will be redirected to the dashboard screen.

Client dashboard screen will be rendered depending on the client access permissions set in the options for the client user. Please make sure you have correctly setup the correct options and permissions for each individual user.



Welcome message ( you can edit the welcome message in the CLDASH >Translations tab )



  1. Quick visual display of post types data which the client user has access to. ( You can enable or disable widgets section in CLDASH> In App > Dashboard options )




Notes for in app users  ( You can enable or disable notes section in CLDASH> In App > Dashboard options )

These notes are visible to all client users.

Each user can input a custom note and select with which client users the note is shared. This feature is useful if you want to make a note for yourself or leave a note to your coworkers and team members.

To add a new note click on the ADD NOTE button. The ADD NEW NOTE screen will display and you can set a NOTE TITLE, NOTE TEXT and select Dashboard users that the note will be visible to. After the note is published it will appear in the notes section.

Each note will display the note ID, note DATE, and message.

To view the note click on the VIEW NOTE button.

To delete the note click the DELETE button.

* Notes reply option, edit and note discussion option is currently in development and will be implemented in the near future




Shorthand boxed that display all content screens the user has access to. ( You can enable or disable app section widgets in CLDASH> In App > Dashboard options )

Each box will display Post type name ( label),  , icon  and Button link text.

Each box can be customized:

  1. Button text link can be customized and translated in the translations tab.
  2. Background Color can be customized in the CLDASH > Post type > Dashboard box color or In App > Colors
  3. Icon can be edited in the CLDASH > Post type options and color can be edited in In App > Colors


* Icons for built in functionality widgets e.g Products, inquiries, reviews, comments can not be changed!




Display of inquiries that website users have sent via contact forms.  ( You can enable or disable app section widgets in CLDASH> In App > Dashboard options ).

Inquiries section will display both Divi and Caldera forms entries. If you wish to enable or disable Divi contact forms for or Caldera forms from entries list go to CLDASH> App > Main options and select which contact entries to display.

To quickly preview the form entry – simply click on the form entry you wish to preview and the form content will be displayed.

You can search entries via search bar.

To sort entries click on the row column title ( date, time, email… )

* CLDASH can’t display entries submitted prior to CLDASH instalation!
* Reply functionality is currently in development and will be implemented in the near future 




Display the reach tab that is used for contacting the website administrator ( developer or agency).  ( You can enable or disable reach section in CLDASH> In App > Dashboard options ).

To customize the contact information that will be displayed go to CLDASH> Agency options



Full demo dashboard preview: