Table of Contents
IN-APP setting #
Here you can personalize your Client Dashboard look and feel
- App Page – Select a WordPress page that will be used to load CLDASH. This page URL will be used to render your client dasboard app.
- App page title – Peronalize your client dashboard page title ( eg. MY COMPANY DASHBOARD )
- Favicon – set custom client dashboard page favicon
- Client logo – set client logo that will be displayed within WordPress and Divi client dashboard app
- Client logo for login screen – set client logo that will be displayed on the dashboard login screen
- Display client logo – display or hide client logo
- Background image for login screen – set your own custom background image for dashboard login screen
- Display Divi contact form entries? – toggle to enable or disable divi contact form entries in dashboard*
- Display Caldera contact form entries? – toggle to enable or disable divi contact form entries in dashboard*
- Google font link – Copy and past Google front link from Google fonts.
- Google font rule – Copy and past Google front rule from Google fonts.
- Google font size – Set font size for Dashboard
- Exclude files from in-app media library – files containing any of the words in their names names provided within csv list is not going to be displayed within media library ie. client won’t be able to see, edit or delete those files. ( examaple: client_logo.png won’t be displayed in the Dashboard media library if the word “logo” is found within csv list .)
- Font sizes – set your custom font sizes for client dashboard ( Main font size, Navigation menu, Dashboard welcome text, Datatables, Card headers, Userbar welcome text, Userbar action links text )
- File size limits – Set your own file size limits for media that users can upload via their Dashboard.*
Here you can enable or disable dasboard cards.
- Welcome – first section – Toggle to enable or disable Display Welcome – first section within dashboard
- Widgets section – Toggle to enable or disable widgets section in dashboard
- Notes section – Toggle to enable or disable notes section in dashboard
- App sections – Toggle to enable or disable app sections in dashboard
- Inquiries section – Toggle to enable or disable inquiries section in dashboard
- Reach out to your website developers section – Toggle to enable or disable reach to your developer section in dashboard
- Descriptions – input your own sections descriptions
Client users can embed or manage their own custom code like Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Google Ads, Facebook pixel… This functionality is useful if you are managing a website with a marketing or SEO agency.
- Header code – Here you can see or edit custom header code that Client users have embeded to the website.
- Body code – Here you can see or edit custom body code that Client users have embeded to the website.
- Thank you custom header code – Here you can see or edit custom thank you header page code that Client users have embeded to the website.
- Thank you custom body code – Here you can see or edit custom thank you page body code that Client users have embeded to the website.
- Thank you page – Here you can assign a thank you page on which the thank you page code will be rendered
Here you can personalize Client dashboard with custom colors. Change the navigation, background, text, cards…
If you wish to personalize Client dashboards even further , you can input your own CSS code here ( without the <style></style> tags).
This is an advanced feature and we recommend using it only if you are familiar with CSS .
.your_class { text-align: center; }
#your_ID { text-align: center; }
Aditional info #
*CLDASH can’t display entries submitted prior to CLDASH instalation
* File size limits – This option does not change the WordPress core limits. To change the WordPress core limits update your functions.php file.