Orders listing screen

Table of Contents

  1. Orders listing screen

Orders listing screen #


After clicking on the orders from the navigation menu or widgets section – user will be redirected to the orders listing screen.

All orders will be shown in the data table.

Data table displays all orders with ID, date, time, customer name, customer email, total, status and view order details button.

  1. Excel – export orders to excel tabel
  2. PDF – export orders in pdf
  3. Print – print orders
  4. ID – order ID
  5. Date – order date
  6. Time – order time
  7. Customer Name
  8. Customer email
  9. Total
  10. Status – order status ( eg. processing, approved, shipped, completed…)
  11. View – view order
  12. Search – search orders by name / title/ date, custommer… – with this option user will be able to easily find the desired order
  13. Pagination – table initially shows 15 orders per page and you can navigate between pages.


Actions :

  1.  View – vie order