Single order screen

Table of Contents

  1. Single order screen

Single order screen #


After clicking on the view order action for the desired order from the orders listing data table – user will be redirected to the single order screen.

All orders will be shown in the data table.

Data table displays all orders with ID, date, time, customer name, customer email, total, status and view order details button.

  1. Order ID
  2. Back to orders – navigate back to orders listing screen
  3. Custommer name – full custommer name
  4. Custommer details – all details filled in the woocommerce checkout
  5. Order Date and time
  6. Payement method
  7. Status ( editable ) – user can change the order status
  8. Order details  – list of products that a customer ordered
  9. Order note
  10. Order totals


Actions :

  1.  Status – update order status