Single post screen

Table of Contents

  1. Single post screen

Single post screen #


After clicking on the add new post or view /edit / clone action for the desired post from the post listing data table – user will be redirected to the single post screen.

All of the data for this post will be displayed and user will be able to perform actions for the selected post  ( view /edit or clone).

User will be able to input or edit post fields as per capabilities set in CLDASH options.

Post fields:

  1. Title
  2. Excerpt
  3. Publish date
  4. Permalink
  5. Featured image
  6. Content
  7. Categories
  8. Taxonmies – ( displayed as per taxonimies csv list set under options for this post type ( CLDASH > Post types > Capabilities )
  9. ACF fields set for this post / page / custom post type (  fields that will render are set in Wp-admin /Custom fields >Field group > location rules ).



  1. Discard – return to the post listing screen discarding all data
  2. Save – publish / update post